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Mockup Kaos Lengan Panjang on this file has the format of Coreldraw (.CDR) version X3 and preview files in format .SVG .AI .PNG with high quality. With a variety of available file formats, you can easily and flexibly open the vector files that we will attach.

So to open a file, (.cdr file) then you need CorelDraw (Min CorelDraw version X3) software / application with the existing file format, hopefully you can design custom logos / vector graphics that can be scaled (edit size or other settings but do not change the logo design. change the original scale, outline the property with your favorite application to get a great look for your design work).
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Download Mockup Kaos Lengan Panjang(.CDR, .SVG, .AI, .PNG)
Mock Up Kaos Cdr
Description : | |||
Mockup Kaos Lengan Panjang Template | |||
Name : | Web | File Type : | File Size : |
Mockup Kaos Lengan Panjang | .CDR .SVG .AI .PNG (zip) | 67 Kb |
Mockup Kaos Cdr Jangkrik
Mockup Kaos Cdr Gratis
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