Economy Of Pakistan Book By Khawaja Amjad Saeed

BBA – V (Hons.)
Course Number :BA (H) – 541
Credit Hours : 03
  1. Economy Of Pakistan Book By Khawaja Amjad Saeed Khan

BOOKS RECOMMENDED (Latest Editions) 1. Economic Problems of Pakistan. Ilmi Book House, Lahore. Government of Pakistan. Economic Survey. Government of Pakistan. The Five-year plans. Kh.Amjid Saeed Economy of Pakistan. Parvez Hasan, Pakistan's Economy at the Crossroads, past policies and present. Pkeconomists is a blog related to Pakistani Economy, its present threats and opportunities, the blog will not only have articles on current economic scenario but also have video programs related to.


This course is designed to provides students with critical information and knowledge about Pakistan economic environment. Important components which contribute to the development and progress of the economy of country are included here.
The students are expected to learn about the current economic condition of Pakistan and also to develop analytical thinking about future. Since the topics discussed have both descriptive and quantitative approach students will be beneficial from both angles.

Course Contents

  1. Agriculture Sector
  2. 1.1 Major Crops, Cash Crops
    1.2 Minor Crops
    1.3 Irrigated and Un-irrigated Area
    1.4 Agricultural Inputs Forestry, Livestock, Fisheries
    1.5 Role of Agriculture in Economic Development of Country
    1.6 Problems in Agriculture Sector

  3. Industry
  4. 2.1 Small, Medium and Large Scale Industries
    2.2 Major Industries of Pakistan
    2.3 Employment Capital Output Ratio
    2.4 Industrial Policy and Prospects
    2.5 Privatization of SOE’s (State Owned Enterprises)
    2.6 FDI in Industrial Sector
    2.7 Industrial Financial Institution

  5. Population
  6. 3.1 Population Trend, Birth Rate, Fertility Rate and Infant Morality Rate
    3.2 Rural Urban Migration
    3.3 Male/Female Ratio
    3.4 Life Expectancy and Population Pyramid

  7. Education
  8. 4.1 Number of Male/Female Educational Institutions
    4.2 Student Enrolment
    4.3 Teacher/Student Ratio
    4.4 Literacy Ratio And Educational Policy

  9. Health
  10. 5.1 Number of Hospitals Doctors and Paramedical Staff
    5.2 Number of Medical Colleges
    5.3 Major Diseases
    5.4 Access to Clean Water and Sanitation

  11. Services Industry
  12. 6.1 Major Services Hotels and Motels, Tourism and Transportation

  13. Foreign Trade
  14. 7.1 Major Exports and Imports
    7.2 Commercial Policy, Tariffs and Quotas
    7.3 Export Subsidies and Rebate
    7.4 Foreign Exchange Earnings and Balance of Trade

  15. Monetary Policy
  16. 8.1 Role of State Bank of Pakistan in Money Supply
    8.2 Tools Of Monetary Policy
    8.3 Open Market Operation
    8.4 Bank Rate and Required Reserve Ratio

  17. Fiscal Policy
  18. 9.1 Direct and Indirect Taxes, Excise Duty
    9.2 Government Budget and Government Expenditure
    9.3 Revenue Sharing Between Federation and the Provinces And Between
    Province And Local Government

  19. Investment Policy
  20. 10.1 Domestic Investment
    10.2 Foreign Direct Investment
    10.3 Privatization of Public Sector Enterprises

  21. Inflation

    11.1 Measurement of Inflation
    11.2 Consequences of Inflation
    11.3 Inflation and Unemployment
    11.4 How to Control Inflation

  22. Labor Force

    12.1 Manpower Planning Male / Female, Skilled / Unskilled, Rural / Urban
    12.2 Self-Employed / Employed Labor Force
    12.3 Manpower Planning

  23. GDP

    13.1 Measurement of GDP
    13.2 Composition of GDP
    13.3 Growth Rate of GDP
    13.4 Per Capita GDP and Growth Vs. Development

  24. Capital Markets

    14.1 Stock Exchanges and Their Functioning
    14.2 Role of Security Exchange Commission Of Pakistan (SECP)
    14.3 Stock Index and Foreign Portfolio Investment

  25. Infrastructural Services

    15.1 Transportation (Roads, Railway, Airplanes and Merchant Ships)
    15.2 Communication Network (Telephone, Radio, TV, Print Media and Internet)

  26. Energy Resources

    16.1 Sources of Power
    16.1.1 Thermal Power Resources
    16.1.2 Hydropower Resources
    16.2 Energy Generation
    16.3 Power Losser

Recommended Books

  1. Nasir, M. Saeed, Economics of Pakistan, Markazi Kutub Khana, 1996.
  2. Malik, Sohail, Economy of Pakistan, Hyder Kamal Syed Imtiaz Publishers, Lahore, 1999.
  3. Saeed, Amjad Khawaja, Economy of Pakistan, Pakistan Institute of Management Science, 2002.
  4. Pakistan Economic Survey (Various Issues).
  5. Zaidi S. Akbar, Saiyid Ameena, Issues in Pakistan’s Economy, Oxford University Press, 2000.
  6. Pakistan Year Book


  • July 19, 2019

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Management audit can be operationalzed in the light of measures included in the book. The CFOs can optimally utilize and protect funds of the companies by benefiting from the material saed in the book. Thus even a Non-professional can at least get an idea of what it takes to appraise business. The book is a positive response to growing needs of various audits namely internal audit, cost audit, computer audit, special audit and management audit.

Auditing: Principles and Procedures – Khawaja Amjad Saeed – Google Books

Indeed the author deserves congratulations for his splendid effort in writing the book. Several technical tools are needed for case analysis and these include the financial tools of liquidity, solvency and profit ratios and break even analysis, and the project evaluation tools of Return on Qmjad ROINet Present Value NPV and so on.

Some of the cases advances pertain to actual firms operating in the manufacturing service construction and other sectors.

There is a lucid explanation to all aspects governing audit. The question is how the other firm should deal with their competitors in this situation of unethical and hkawaja competition. It contains case studies by khaawja scholars, and is divided into four sections. At present Pakistan’s main exports are raw materials or low value-added products.

However, the students are warned to distinguish between areas where generalizations are possible and where they are not. The student pursuing professional level for the examination of the Institute of Auditinh Accountants of Pakistan and the Institute of Cost Management Accountants of Pakistan will find reading of the book a rewarding exercise for earning success in their professional level examination. The first section introduces the details of the case study method, the second section the export scene of Pakistan and the third and the fourth give actual cases and teaching notes thereon.

Section two covers Pakistan’s export problems and gives valuable export data.

In fact, davanced the Organizations are likely to benefit from this. The book is intended to be a text book with business schools for their marketing courses.

These are enumerated with their formulae, definition and other details. Should new plants or technology be acquired under a given set auuditing conditions, how to increase productivity, face challenges from competitors, manage change, develop an effective marketing strategy, etc.

The external auditors and their staff under training can be enriched from the auditing techniques included in the book. The book is recommended to diverse readerships so that financial discipline is enforced and bottom line is beefed up to achieve effective, efficient and economy oriental results of business and industry. The case study method was first used in in the teaching of law.

His latest book namely, Advanced Auditing has just been released in the year An interesting study pertains to two pipe manufacturers, whose product quality and prices are the same, but one of them have already bribed their way to success and are fully backed by government officials who benefit from their largesse, when they tender for government organizations, their main customers.

Khawaja Amjad Saeed

A case is a written description of an enterprise, an event or situation containing information about its history, content, hy etc. Business investigation can be undertaken by following the suggested steps.

Suggestions ausiting how to increase exports are included. It has several advantages over the traditional methods of teaching but also has its limitations in that it is much more time consuming and there is a general lack of trained teachers for the job.


Most of the cases are about Pakistani industries and other enterprises but some studies pertain to Bangladesh. The case study method, first developed by law school jhawaja used as a powerful tool by business schools and management development for developing analytical skills relating to decision making.


It is also supported with an index to khaawaja easy referencing. It may or may not be taken from a real life situation. Thus most of the cases illustrate a complex interplay of financial, technical, marketing and human relations forces. The book consists of thirty khawaha supported with various tables, list of forms, table of statutes, list of cited cases. Khawaja Amjad Saeed, founder Director of the IBA, University of the Punjab, Lahore, who has written a number of books on management, economy of Pakistan, corporate financial reports, mercantile laws, auditing and other subjects relating to financial and cost and management accounting.

The book can be used to reinforce sound financial and administrative controls to minimize the incidents of frauds and forgeries.

Economy Of Pakistan Book By Khawaja Amjad Saeed Khan

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