Install Xcode Mac Catalina

For Catalina + Xcode 12 + iOS14 SDK no options for now to build Qt Application it's not supported by Qt 5.15.1. Awaiting announced Qt 6.0 that is going to be supported XCode 12 + iOS14 SDK. For Qt will be working only XCode 11 downloaded manually (do not install from AppStore). ‎Xcode includes everything developers need to create great applications for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. Xcode provides developers a unified workflow for user interface design, coding, testing, and debugging. The Xcode IDE combined with the Swift programming language make developing.

Update: I always appreciate the traffic, but the folks at MacPorts have their official installer for Catalina available now. You should use it:
Updated on 2019/10/09 to work with the public release of Catalina.

Another year, another round of “Oh, shit! My software doesn’t run on the latest version of MacOS!” While MacOS steadily marches towards being a consumer friendly OS that alienates the hardcore users, we continue to try to beat back the tide with tools like MacPorts. I’ll be curious to see how things go with future versions of MacOS, now that there are reports that upgrading to Catalina will wipe out a users /opt/ folder.

Below you will find my steps for getting MacPorts compiled by hand on MacOS 10.15 Catalina. I am working on a clean install of Catalina and Xcode 11. If you are trying an upgrade, or using a different version, your experience may be different. If you run into problems post a comment and I’ll do what I can to help out.

And so, without further ado…

Install xcode mac catalina update
  1. Install MacOS Catalina
  2. Install XCode 11
  3. Launch XCode
    1. Agree to the license agreement.
    2. Enter your password when the authentication dialog box opens.
    3. Wait for it to finish installing components.
    4. Quit XCode
  4. Open a terminal window.
    (CMD-Space terminal <return>)
  5. sudo xcode-select --install
    (enter your user password)
  6. When the pop-up opens asking for permission to install the command line tools, click “Install”.
  7. Agree to the license agreement, despite what it says will happen to your first-born.
  8. Back to your terminal window, inscribe these arcane incantations:
  9. sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
  10. sudo xcodebuild -license
    (Space through the document, and then type ‘agree'<return> – The ghost of Steve Jobs will not start haunting you until at least New Years.)
  11. cd ~/Desktop
    (A window will pop up asking for access to your desktop folder. Grant it, lest the imps be released.)
  12. curl -O
  13. tar -xzvf MacPorts-2.6.1.tar.gz
  14. cd MacPorts-2.6.1
  15. ./configure
  16. make
  17. sudo make install
    (Enter your user password if prompted. You may not be prompted if you get through the above steps quickly.)
  18. echo 'export PATH=/opt/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc
  19. source ~/.zshrc
  20. sudo port -v selfupdate
    (Enter your user password if prompted. You may not be prompted if you get through the above steps quickly.)

At this point you are pretty much ready to start installing ports. I say pretty much, because there are two ‘optional dependencies’ that will make your life easier:

  1. Install Java from
  2. Install XQuartz X11 from

Install Xcode Mac Terminal Catalina

OK, now you are really, really ready to install ports. 🙂

Take your fresh Catalina install out for a spin and let us know how it goes!

If this worked for you, could I ask a favor? Share a link to this article somewhere you think people would find it useful. Thanks!


Hello all!
The official Qt reference saying - XCode 11 iOS 13 SDK. I there any way to deploy on iOS 14 device? I am using Qt 5.15. If not - when in Qt going to be iOS 14 support? Or all of it will be in Qt 6.0?

Mac Catalina Install Xcode Command Line Tools


I've just tried to update XCode 11.5 on Mojave and got this message
It's mean you can't be using Mojave anymore. You might be using previously installed, but not if you installing or reseting your apple device. Apple insisting on updates, even you trying to ignore updates:

If you will update and install XCode from AppStore there will be installed XCode 12 that is not supported by QT yet. You will get an error of something like 'I don't see iOS SDK'. Install XCode manualy by downloading it through Apple Developer login. In few going to post system configuration that is OK for Qt developing for mobile.